1. Dashboard

Hi! Welcome to Meshweb.

Here are the parts of the Dashboard.

Dashboard with labeled parts.

Let's have a quick tour.

Dashboard with labeled parts.

2. POS

Here is the POS or Point of Sales.

POS with labeled parts.

Let me show you how it works.

POS with labeled parts.

3. Products

3.1. List Products

This section shows the list of all the products being sold.

List Products interface

3.2. Add Products

To add products:

  1. On Products, select Add Products.
  2. Fill out the information needed.
    • Select the Type of Product. Products can be Standard, Combo, or Service.
    • Enter the Name of the product.
    • Enter the product Code.
    • Select Barcode Symbology. Barcode symbology refers to the encoding of information into the barcode image.
    • Enter the product Cost and Price.
    • Enter the Product Tax and select if the tax is inclusive or exclusive in Tax Method .
    • You can also indicate Alert Quantity.
  3. Upload the Image of the product.
  4. You can also add Details.
  5. Press Add Products to save the product.
Instructions in adding products.

3.3. Import Products

This section allows the user to import a product on the website. A sample file must be downloaded on this page to be filled out with product's information. After filling out the form, upload the file and make sure it is a .csv file.

Instructions in importing products.

3.4. Print Barcodes

Generated bar codes will be displayed here. This shows the product barcode, code, and price. It is also print-ready.

Instructions in printing barcodes.

3.5. Print Labels

Generated label will be displayed here, ready for printing.

Instructions in printing labels.

4. Categories

4.1. List Categories

This section shows the existing product categories

List Categories interface.

4.2. Add Category

To add category:

  1. On Categories, select Add Category.
  2. Fill out the necesarry information.
    • Enter the Code of the category.
    • Enter the category Name.
  3. Upload the image of the category
  4. Press Add Category to save.
Instructions in adding categories

4.3. Import Categories

This section allows the user to import a category on the website. A sample file must be downloaded on this page to be filled out with category's information. After filling out the form, upload the file and make sure it is a .csv file.

Instructions in importing categories.

5. Sales

5.1. List Sales

This section shows the list of sales.

5.2. List Opened Bills

This section shows the list of opened bills.

6. Purchases

6.1. List Purchases

This section shows the list of all the purchases made.

6.2. Add Purchases

To add a purchase:

  1. On Purchases, select Add Purchase.
  2. Fill out necessary information.
    • Date will be auto-generated.
    • Enter Reference.
    • Select your Supplier on the dropdown list.
    • Note if the purchase is received or not yet received.
  3. Upload Attachment.
  4. You can also add a Note.
  5. Click Add Purchase

6.3. List Expenses

This section displays the list of all the expenses.

6.4. Add Expenses

To add an expense:

  1. On Purchases, select Add Expense.
  2. Fill out necessary information (Date, Reference, and Amount).
  3. Upload Attachment.
  4. You can also add Note.
  5. Click Add Expense.

7. Gift Card

7.1. List Gift Cards

This section displays the list of gift cards.

List Giftcards interface.

7.2. Add Gift Card

To add gift card:

  1. On Gift Card, select Add Gift Card.
  2. Fill out necessary information (Card Number, Value, and Expiry Date).
  3. Select a color on the dropdown list for the Gift Card Theme Color.
  4. Click Add Gift Card.
Instructions in adding Gift Card.

8. People

8.1. List Users

This section shows the list of the users (admin and staff) of the website.

Screenshot of List Users.
Fig. 1. Screenshot of List Users.

8.2. Add User

To create user account:

  1. On People, select Add User.
  2. Fill out all of the necessary information.
    • Select the type of Group of the user. A user can be an Admin or a Staff.
    • Enter First Name, Last Name, and Contact Number.
    • Specify Gender.
    • Enter Email and Username.
    • Type your Password and confirm it by retyping your password on Confirm Password.
    • Select account Status (active or inactive).
    • Select your Store on the dropdown list.
  3. Check the Notify User by Email if you want to be notified once your account was created. Otherwise, uncheck it.
  4. Click Add User to create your account.
Creating User Account

If you check Notify User by Email, an email will be sent to you confirming that your account was successfully created.

Email confirming that the account was created.

8.3. List Customers

This section shows all the customers.

Screenshot of List Customers.
Fig. 2. Screenshot of List Customers.

8.4. Add Customer

To add a customer:

  1. On People, select Add Customer.
  2. Enter the customer's Name, Email Address, and Phone Number.
  3. Custom Fields are added for any additonal information.
  4. Click Add Customer.
Instructions in adding a customer.

8.5. List Suppliers

This section shows the list of all the suppliers.

Screenshot of List Suppliers.
Fig. 3. Screenshot of List Suppliers.

8.6. Add Supplier

To add a supplier:

  1. On People, select Add Supplier.
  2. Enter the supplier's Name, Email Address, and Phone Number.
  3. Custom Fields are added for any additonal information.
  4. Click Add Supplier.
Instructions in adding a supplier.

9. Settings

9.1. Email Protocol Setup

    9.1.1 Setting up PHP Mail Function

    To setup PHP Mail Function:

    1. On Settings, select Settings.
    2. Look for Default Email and enter your preferred default email.
    3. On Email Protocol, make sure that PHP Mail Function is selected.
    4. Click Update Settings to save changes.
    Setting up PHP Mail Function

    9.1.2. Setting up STMP Gmail

    To setup SMTP Gmail:

    1. On Settings, select Settings.
    2. On Email Protocol, select SMTP on the dropdown list.
    3. Modify the SMTP User and SMTP Password.
    4. Click Update Settings to save changes.
    Setting up STMP Gmail

    9.1.3. Turn ON less secure app access on your Gmail Account.

    1. On your Gmail, tap your account icon and select Manage your Google Account.
    2. A new window will appear showing Google Account. On the left side navigation, select Security.
    3. Look for Less secure app access and turn it ON.
    Turn ON less secure app access

9.2. Custom Theme Style

This section enables the user to change the theme of the system.

Instructions in customizing theme style

9.3. Customer Display Configurations

This section lets the user to modify display configurations.

Instructions in customizing display

9.4. Stores

This section shows the stores.

Screenshot of stores list
Fig. 4. Screenshot of stores list.

    9.4.1. Individual Store Configuration

9.5. Printers

This section shows the printers.

Screenshot of printers list
Fig. 5. Screenshot of printers list.

9.6. Add Printer

To add printer:

  1. Enter the Title of the printer.
  2. Select Type and Profile on the dropdown list.
  3. Enter the Characters per line.
  4. Indicate the printer's IP Address.
  5. Type the Port.
  6. Click Add Printer.
Instructions in adding printer

9.7. Backups

This section enables backing up the database .

Instructions in backing up the database

9.8. Other Settings

This section shows important parts of the Settings.

Settings page with labels
Fig. 6. Settings page and some of its parts.

Let's dive into it one at a time.

Settings page with labels

10. Reports

10.1. Daily Sales

This section shows the daily sales. It displays a calendar of days in a month. This section has four components:

  • Sales Value
  • Purchases Value
  • Expenses Value
  • Profit and/or Loss

10.2. Monthly Sales

This section shows the monthly sales. It displays all the months in a year. This section has four components:

  • Sales Value
  • Purchases Value
  • Expenses Value
  • Profit and/or Loss

10.3. Sales Report

This section shows the sales report.

10.4. Payment Report

This section shows the payments report.

10.5. Registers Report

This section shows the registers report.

10.6. Top Products

This section shows the top products of every month.

10.7. Products Report

This section shows the products report.